YouTube and Advertisers: A Tale of Two Partners

The big questions that marketers have to answer to are abstract, such as, "what do the people want?" and "How can a get these people to buy this product?" For a long time, advertisers simply placed ads targeted towards a specific audience in public locations. Now advertisers are discovering a whole new market in the YouTube community.

YouTube has solved the issue of how to market to everyone. Obviously you can't market to all the people because not all people are the same. YouTube has provided an easy way to get ads directly to their intended target audience. It has conveniently divided viewers into much more specific demographic groups.

Various types of videos usually have a majority of viewers that fit a demographic. Using this knowledge, marketers can evaluate what demographics watch what videos and attach their ads on to the beginning of videos that appeal to their intended target audience. For example, I watch a lot of fashion videos and as a result, the majority of the You Tube ads a view are fashion related.  Like thid one, for example:
Although this commercial repulses me in so many different ways, it is very obvious what they were trying to do by always pairing it with fashion videos. 

Another tactic that many different brands have been experimenting with is YouTube sponsorship. This is where a brand or company will pay a YouTuber a certain amount of money to promote their product. This is another example of using videos that already have an audience that has a majority that falls into a major demographic that advertisers can use to appeal to a specific target audience.

Many times companies will send YouTubers products from their brands as a form of bribery to promote said brand on their channel. Much of the time, YouTubers will sell out to these brands and promote them even if the brand is unethical and/or cheap. I'm not going to call out names or anything though. 
For all of these reasons, YouTube serves as a helpful aid for advertisers to reach their target audiences more quickly and efficiently. 


  1. I liked how you talked about how YouTube advertisers have broken down their ads into demographic categories. I can definitely relate to this as I've found that the ads I get on YouTube tend to be about sporting goods, movies, music, or men's fashion (things that I am either into or that YouTube thinks I'm into). Overall, good blog writeup on an interesting topic.


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