The Markets Fund the Media
For decades, media has dictated who we are as human beings and more importantly, who we should strive to be. A vast percentage of consumer culture rests on how well the media channels the human nature of potential clients into creating opportunities for new markets to thrive. The best way to do this is by manifesting human uncertainty to feed into man made insecurities.
Media is funded by markets and in return, the media funds the markets. The media does this both through explicit and implicit advertising. Whether the advertising technique is product placement, endorsement, sponsorship, commercials, message placement, or something else, the basic principle is the same. The media shows us both who we are and who we should strive to become. Then, the media presents us with ways that promise to make this potential image of ourselves come to life.
This is a classic magic ingredient marketing technique. The statement in the ad can be many different things but lead you to the same conclusion.
This says "you won't really be in on the big secret of why you should try mango coke unless you try mango coke," because let's be honest, we have no clue what this woman is doing in this commercial.
This says "if you drink coke, you will be a part of the coke community, but you will also be unique."
This says "if you have a coke, you will have friends."
This says "you need coke to get friends."
In every ad, the markets show you what you want and what you don't. All of these ads show you who you should want to b and offer a solution for how to achieve it.
Media presents this to you because they are payed by marketers to contribute to various products' customer bases. WE are exposed to this so often that we are programmed. And that is the goal.
Media is funded by markets and in return, the media funds the markets. The media does this both through explicit and implicit advertising. Whether the advertising technique is product placement, endorsement, sponsorship, commercials, message placement, or something else, the basic principle is the same. The media shows us both who we are and who we should strive to become. Then, the media presents us with ways that promise to make this potential image of ourselves come to life.
This is a classic magic ingredient marketing technique. The statement in the ad can be many different things but lead you to the same conclusion.
This says "you won't really be in on the big secret of why you should try mango coke unless you try mango coke," because let's be honest, we have no clue what this woman is doing in this commercial.
This says "if you drink coke, you will be a part of the coke community, but you will also be unique."
This says "if you have a coke, you will have friends."
This says "you need coke to get friends."
In every ad, the markets show you what you want and what you don't. All of these ads show you who you should want to b and offer a solution for how to achieve it.
Media presents this to you because they are payed by marketers to contribute to various products' customer bases. WE are exposed to this so often that we are programmed. And that is the goal.
I really like this article and agree with a lot fo the ideas you mentioned. I've often noticed is how products are selling an idea, a dream, a lifestyle. When I buy certain clothes or accessories, it sometimes feels like i am buying a personality. My things, my clothes, my materials all define me to an extent, whether or not I like that. If I completely changed my wardrobe, or the everyday products I use very drastically, I am convinced people's view me would change, despite me being the same person at heart. This is some crazy stuff.